Friday, 04/09/2009 | |
Building your child's self esteem BUILDING your child's self esteem is one of the most important things you can do as parent. When you start with these positive changes, it will stick with your child for their entire life. The early childhood years a re critical time in the formation of self esteem. During these first years children form impression of their capabilitis and self worth based on their success and the feedback they receive. In order to develop a healthy self-esteem, a child needs to learn how to do things on his own. Parents can help a child accomplish difficult task, set chellenging, yet realistic goals and offer encouragment to meet those goals. As a child grows, parents should step back to let him solve problems and complete task on his own. A child will have many chances to learn how to be independent and competent as he grows. Parents should allow as much freedom as possible and only step in when the child is getting overly frustrated. A healthy self-esteem will flourish as a child develops his own special gifts. To build confidence and self-esteem, a school-aged child can be given chores allowed to participate in the age-appropriate activities that sparks his interest. Chores allow a child to contribute to the home and family in a positive way. Activities that are challenging, but doable, give a child a sense of pride and a chance to set achievable goals. The self-esteem of peer-oriented children will always be dependent on the way others perceive them. A positive self-esteem means that children and teens consider themselves to be valuable even when they are being judged by others. Children with a strong sense of self worth feel able take on challenges, believe their ability to be successful, and see setbacks as temporary situattions that can be overcome. Children with poor self image are easily discouraged, lack initiative to begin daunting task and see obstacles as defeating and permanent. Self-esteem begins at a child's earliest memories. The things you say and do to your children will have a huge impact on your children thrive on praise. You can never "spoil" a child with praise. You should always offfer praise your child for a job well done. No feat or activity is too small for praise and encouragement. Your child needs to know that you are there always, that you love him and that you beleive in him. This will help him build confidence that he needs later in life for everything that he tries to do. Criticism should always be constructive and you should remind your child of their positive traits and abilities and of how much you love them even when you have to scold or correct them. Encouragement will go along way to helping your child's self esteem.Encouragement can make a shy child come out of this shell and try something new. Fostering and building a children's self-esteem is an ongoing job for a parent. One that begins at birth and continues through childhood and into adulthood. A child with a healthy self-esteem will have confidence in himself and his abilities. Self-esteem can serve as a protactive armourthat helps a child grow and get through the trubulent adolescent years to become a successful, confident adult. If the seeds of self-esteem are not planted in a child when he is young, it can be very difficult to develop later in life.This is why teh respontibity falls on the adults in charge. How will you help boost your child's self-esteem today? |
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Building your child's self esteem -New Straits Times, Friday, 04/09/2009-
New Straits Times
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