Which Mother Does This Advice Include
Any mother who has just given birth and has symptoms of Influenza A (H1N1), which include fever with respiratory symptoms like cough and/or sore throat. There may also be headache and muscle aches. This is called “Influenza-Like Illness” (ILI).
Any mother who has just given birth and has symptoms of Influenza A (H1N1), which include fever with respiratory symptoms like cough and/or sore throat. There may also be headache and muscle aches. This is called “Influenza-Like Illness” (ILI).
What Should Such A Mother Do If They Have Flu-Like Symptoms & Have Just Given Birth?
They should inform their doctor immediately if they have “Influenza-Like Illness” when pregnant or at the time of delivery. The doctor will assess and he/she may give appropriate treatment such as Tamiflu.
They should inform their doctor immediately if they have “Influenza-Like Illness” when pregnant or at the time of delivery. The doctor will assess and he/she may give appropriate treatment such as Tamiflu.
What Should Such A Mother Do To Protect Their Newborn Baby?
- It is important to breastfeed your baby because breast milk will offer protection from respiratory infection to the baby.
- However, the risk for influenza A (H1N1) transmission through breast milk is unknown and is possibly small.
- Treatment with antiviral Tamiflu medication is NOT a contraindication to breastfeeding.
- If possible have someone to help you for the next 5-7 days. If you have someone to help you, then do not sleep or stay in the same room as the baby. Express your breast milk and have your helper to feed the baby. Before you express your breast milk, wear a mask and wash your hands thoroughly.
- If you have no one to help you or cannot express your breast milk, then wear a fresh blouse and mask and wash your hands before you breast feed or carry your child.
- Continue other recommended actions to prevent spread to your baby and other family members:
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand cleaner when soap and water are not available.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth of your baby
- These precautions should be maintained until at least one day after your fever settles
- Avoid placing any teats or pacifiers that you have touched into baby’s mouth before washing thoroughly
Look For The Following Danger Signs.
If these danger signs are present, bring your baby to the Casualty/A&E immediately
- Lethargy, drowsy, irritability or change in behaviour (less active than usual)
- Not drinking well, persistent vomiting, not passing urine as much as usual
- Trouble breathing or fast breathing
- Fits
- Bluish or gray skin colour
- Any Fever
Source: Based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guidelines & MOH Paediatricians Advice July/August 2009
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