You may have heard that the best thing to do if you're trying to put on muscle is simply to train hard and to eat everything in sight. You'll definitely gain weight if you do this, and some of it will probably even be muscle. But if you want to gain muscle fast without getting fat you have to be a bit more careful.
In this article you'll learn the 3 things that you need the eat to maximize your muscle gains, and how much of each you should be consuming.
1. Protein Almost everyone knows by now that protein is essential if you're trying to put on weight (and also if you're trying to lose weight as a matter of fact). You've also probably heard that some proteins are better than others, for example that lean meats are a better choice than vegetables as a protein source.
This is true, but what you probably don't know is that some of the most hyped up sources of protein in bodybuilding are probably among the lowest in quality. This includes whey, casein. and soy proteins.
These proteins definitely aren't worthless, but some research suggests that eating lean meats, fish, and whole eggs will result in less of the amino acids being wasted. Amino acids are the nutrients that proteins are made of, and they are basically the primary building blocks of the body.
To make sure that you're getting the most out of your training, most experts now say you should eat at least your body weight in protein. So if you're 160 pounds you should be getting at least 160g of protein every day.
2. Carbs In order to keep your muscles full of energy you should get at least 150 g of carbohydrates everyday. If you don't do this the glycogen in your muscles (converted blood sugar) will become depleted and your training and muscle gains will suffer as a result.
Fruits are a good source of carbs, but try to keep carbs from fruits and sucrose to under 100g per day. If you're like most weightlifters you'll be eating a lot more than 150 g of carbs every day, so that means the majority of your carbs will be coming from starches such as rice and potatoes.
3. Fats and EFA Caps You need to be eating at a caloric surplus in order to gain weight, and some of that energy should come from fats. Olive oil is an excellent source of fat and it's a good idea to add to that a few fish oil capsules, since research has shown that they have many health benefits for everyone, including bodybuilders.
How do you know if you're eating enough? You should be gaining 3-5 pounds per month, and the amount of calories to create that energy surplus should be about equal to your body weight multiplied by 15.
Remember that some of that weight will always be fat, so you'll have to do some dieting from time to time to strip off the excess while maintaining the muscle.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Advice for Parents of Newborns whose Mother has Influenza-Like Illness Presumed Influenza A (H1N1)
Which Mother Does This Advice Include
Any mother who has just given birth and has symptoms of Influenza A (H1N1), which include fever with respiratory symptoms like cough and/or sore throat. There may also be headache and muscle aches. This is called “Influenza-Like Illness” (ILI).
Any mother who has just given birth and has symptoms of Influenza A (H1N1), which include fever with respiratory symptoms like cough and/or sore throat. There may also be headache and muscle aches. This is called “Influenza-Like Illness” (ILI).
What Should Such A Mother Do If They Have Flu-Like Symptoms & Have Just Given Birth?
They should inform their doctor immediately if they have “Influenza-Like Illness” when pregnant or at the time of delivery. The doctor will assess and he/she may give appropriate treatment such as Tamiflu.
They should inform their doctor immediately if they have “Influenza-Like Illness” when pregnant or at the time of delivery. The doctor will assess and he/she may give appropriate treatment such as Tamiflu.
What Should Such A Mother Do To Protect Their Newborn Baby?
- It is important to breastfeed your baby because breast milk will offer protection from respiratory infection to the baby.
- However, the risk for influenza A (H1N1) transmission through breast milk is unknown and is possibly small.
- Treatment with antiviral Tamiflu medication is NOT a contraindication to breastfeeding.
- If possible have someone to help you for the next 5-7 days. If you have someone to help you, then do not sleep or stay in the same room as the baby. Express your breast milk and have your helper to feed the baby. Before you express your breast milk, wear a mask and wash your hands thoroughly.
- If you have no one to help you or cannot express your breast milk, then wear a fresh blouse and mask and wash your hands before you breast feed or carry your child.
- Continue other recommended actions to prevent spread to your baby and other family members:
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand cleaner when soap and water are not available.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth of your baby
- These precautions should be maintained until at least one day after your fever settles
- Avoid placing any teats or pacifiers that you have touched into baby’s mouth before washing thoroughly
Look For The Following Danger Signs.
If these danger signs are present, bring your baby to the Casualty/A&E immediately
- Lethargy, drowsy, irritability or change in behaviour (less active than usual)
- Not drinking well, persistent vomiting, not passing urine as much as usual
- Trouble breathing or fast breathing
- Fits
- Bluish or gray skin colour
- Any Fever
Source: Based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guidelines & MOH Paediatricians Advice July/August 2009
Toxic candles -New Straits Times Tuesday, 01/09/2009-
Toxic candles
A study has found that candles made of paraffin wax is hazardous to health
They can add a hint of romance to a meal or make taking a bath a real luxury. But the smoke produced by scented candles is laced with toxins link to cancer, asthma and eczema, a new study revealed.
The odd candles is unlikely to do any harm, but we should avoid using them day after day in bathrooms and other poorly ventilated rooms, say the researchers.
Researchers from South Carolina State University burnt a range of candles in the laboratory and collected and tested the substances given off. They found that those made of paraffin wax released potentially harmful amounts of chemicals such as toluene and benzene.
Some of the pollutants have been linked to cancer, while others could trigger asthma attacks or skin complaints. The findings were revealed at the American Chemical Society's annual conference.
Most of the candles are made of paraffin wax, a byproduct of the petroleum industry, beeswax and soy candles, which are more expensive, were given a clean bill of health in the test. - Daily Mail
Beware of heartburn -New Straits Times Tuesday, 01/09/2009-
Beware of heartburn
If you are lucky enough to be going on holiday this month, you will probably be eating and drinking a little more than is good for you.
And if you are one of the five million or so people in the UK prone to heartburn then that over indulgence is likely to come at a price. But there can be much more to heartburn than a bout of dyspepsia after too much Rioja.
An innocent symptom in most people, heartburn can sometimes indicate a more sinister underlying problem: a condition called Barrett's oesophagus, where repeated exposure to stomach acid causes changes in the lining of the oesophagus (gullet) that can lead to cancer.
The changes are named after the surgeon Norman Barrett, who first noted them 50 years ago. The condition follows the rule of tens: one in ten of the British population has problems with heartburn, one in ten of them will develop Barrett's, of whom one in ten will go on to develop cancer of the oesophagus.
The underlying abnormality that is responsible for heartburn is a malfunction of the valve where the gullet joins the stomach - a problem that is particularly common in the obese and in people over the age of 35. The stomach has a layer of slime that protects it against its own digestive juices, which are as strong as battery acid. But the oesophagus has no such defence mechanism and if acid travels back through the defective valve (reflux) then it burns the delicate gullet lining, causing the characteristic symptom of heartburn.
It is possible to have reflux without any symptoms, but the classic story is of a middle-aged man or woman who gets discomfort behind his or her breast bone, often worse after meals or when lying flat in bed. Other common complaints include a tendency to belch, an irritating dry cough, and increased awareness of cold, hot or strong alcoholic drinks.
Barrett's oesophagus is probably a defence mechanism. The changes in the tissue mirror many of the characteristics of the lining of the stomach, and are thought to be the gullet's attempt to protect itself. While the new lining may be more resistant to acid, it is also much more likely to turn cancerous - a process that typically takes ten or more years.
Cancer of the oesophagus is common and nasty, and Barrett's oesophagus is the biggest risk factor for the most common form. There are just under 8,000 cases of oesophageal cancer diagnosed in the UK every year, 70 per cent of which will cause death within a year of diagnosis. Because the transition from Barrett's to cancer is slow, it is possible to monitor people with the condition and to catch them at a stage before the cancer has time to develop.
The problem facing doctors is how to identify the 10 per cent of the millions of heartburn sufferers who have Barrett's. Currently, the only way to diagnose it is to do an endoscopy and directly visualise and biopsy suspicious looking areas. But it is not practical to endoscope everyone.
The Medical Research Council Cancer Cell Unit at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge may have come up with the answer. Known as the sponge test, it involves swallowing a capsule attached to a piece of string. After a few minutes the capsule dissolves to release a small sponge which can then be withdrawn and tested for the molecular features associated with Barrett's.
The sponge test is still being trialled but early results look promising. If a test turns out be positive, endoscopy would be the next step to confirm the diagnosis. If he or she does have Barrett's , the patient will be called back for regular endoscopies to check for more suspicious changes: every two to three years for stable Barrett's, down to every three to four months for someone with more worrying histology.
The fortunate majority of people who test negative may be able to reduce their risk of going on to develop Barrett's through a combination of self help measures (avoiding coffee, smoking and losing weight) and regular medication with drugs such as omeprazole to decrease acidity in the stomach.- The Times
Psst, did you know -New Straits Times Tuesday, 01/09/2009-
Psst, did you know
The irritable moods and water retention that affect many women the week before their period can be helped by taking more magnesium, says Dr. Ann Walker.
While it's not known exactly how the nutrient helps, it's thought to boost the production of dopamine, a brain chemical which may be linked to mood.
Magnesium may also help prevent the inflammation which causes water retention. Dr. Walker, who runs a herbal medicine clinic in Berkshire, says: 'Many people don't eat the foods which contain magnesium, such as wholegrains, beans and green leafy vegetables, so supplements may help. You need about 270mg a day, and look for magnesium citrate, which is easier to absorb than magnesium oxide.'
Millions of people in the UK suffer from back pain, but women are more prone to lower back trouble - as a result of a combination of factors including the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and large breasts.
But this pain is often easily curable by performing stomach exercises, says GP Dr. Claire Rushton, vice chairman of the Family Doctor Association.
She says: 'People don't realise that when the stomach muscles are weak, it can lead to back pain. The stomach muscles actually support the back; if their tone is poor, you tend to sag and your back then takes the strain.'
A simple exercise performed ten times each morning and evening will strengthen your tummy muscles.
Go down on all fours, keeping your back straight, then pull in your belly button as far as you can and hold for a count of ten. 'After a week you should start to feel better,' she says.
Dr.Rushton also recommends pulling your tummy in if you're bending forward to pick up something, as this also protects your back.
If you've had any part of your body waxed, wait a couple of days before going swimming or using a Jacuzzi, advises Alison Cope, consultant virologist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
'The open hair follicles make women prone to skin infection with bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which thrives in warm, wet areas and which causes "hot tub folliculitis",' she says.
This is an itchy, red rash which can lead to infected bumps. In serious cases, antibiotics are needed to clear up the problem.
And while hot tubs are the worst offenders because the temperature of the water makes it an ideal breeding ground, swimming pools also pose a risk.
Cope advises showering before and after using a pool or spa to minimise the chance of spreading bacteria or becoming infected yourself. Showering afterwards helps ensure you get rid of other people's bacteria; showering before stops you spreading yours.
'Also, don't go to a place for waxing where they dip the spatula in a large tub of wax,' she warns. 'Chances are lots of other spatulas have been dipped in the same tub and the wax has become contaminated with other peoples' skin flora (micro organisms that live on the skin).
'This means organisms such as streptococci and staphylococci (even MRSA) can be transferred and cause infections like cellulitis ( infection of the tissues below the skin).'
The moment thrush strikes, many women reach for a tub of yoghurt to treat the fierce, burning pain. But this won't cure the Candida infection that's causing the flare-up, says Dr. Meera Kishen, consultant in sexual and reproductive health and member of the Medical Women's Federation. 'Although it feels like it is helping, this is because it's cooling and soothing - cold water will have the same effect.'
Instead, sufferers should take a vaginal or oral preparation such as Canestan, available over the counter from chemists, and wear loose-fitting clothes and cotton underwear.
Despite common wisdom, thrush isn't the most common vaginal infection - twice as many women get bacterial vaginosis, an infection caused by overgrowth of bacteria.
'This can be caused by bath additives, sex or the coil,' says Gloucestershire GP Dawn Harper. 'One in three women gets it. The discharge is thinner than thrush and has a characteristic odour.'
Treat vaginosis with gels such as Balance-activ (from chemists).
News stories about the huge rise in skin cancer have made many women afraid to go out in the sun or, if they do, they smother themselves head-to-toe in sun block.
But they could be doing themselves more harm than good, warns dermatologist Dr. Cecelia Tregear, of the Wimpole Skin Care Centre in London.
The body needs the sun to manufacture vitamin D and a deficiency can lead to serious problems such as rickets and osteoporosis. 'A deficiency is also linked to cancers, bone disease and heart disease.'
Dr. Tregear says women should try to strike a balance between avoiding skin cancer and protecting their bones, by going outside when it's sunny for 20 minutes without wearing sun cream.
The onset of menopause often brings with it a loss of libido, but tibolone, a drug commonly prescribed to treat associated symptoms such as hot flushes and osteoporosis, can help.
Because the drug contains testosterone, one of its added benefits is that it helps perk up many women's love lives as well as combating the symptoms of menopause.
'Studies show that taking it for four to six months can improve your sex life,' says GP Dr. Zara Aziz, a GP in Bristol. 'It's thought to work by increasing blood flow to the genitals as well as replacing female hormones.'
We all think of milk as soothing for our stomachs, but it's the worst thing you can drink if you've just had a bout of diarrhoea, warns Winchester GP Anna Wilson.
Diarrhoea is a common symptom of irritable bowel syndrome, which affects an estimated four million women in Britain.
Dr Wilson recommends avoiding milk for at least 48 hours after a tummy upset.
'Diarrhoea tends to knock out the lining cells of the gut which produce a lot of milk-digesting enzymes. It takes time for them to recover and, while they do, you have transient milk intolerance,' she says.
'But people very often make the mistake of drinking milk when they are getting better. Instead you should drink water or soya milk for a day or two to let the gut lining recover.
Being tired all the time is often put down to anaemia and women think they should take more iron, but that could do more harm than good.
You may actually have haemochromatosis - a condition where the body absorbs too much iron and which can be toxic, leading to a build up of iron in organs, liver or heart failure and even death.
'If you see your GP because you're tired all the time and have aches and pains, you'll usually be tested for anaemia,' says Dr. Pixie McKenna, a presenter on Channel 4's Embarrassing Illnesses.
'Your doctor may then tell you all is well - in fact you have a really good supply of iron - that's why haemochromatosis is often missed. It's an inherited condition and is very common in people of Celtic origin - one in 83 are carriers. Yet it's easily detected by having a blood test, and is treatable.'
Eating the wrong foods can make you age ahead of your time, says London cosmetic surgeon Dr. Lucy Glancey. 'One of the theories of ageing is that we have too many free radicals in our skin which accelerates the ageing process,' she explains.
Free radicals are molecules that destroy body cells. A major source is thought to be sugar.
As Dr Glancey says, food such as doughnuts give you a sudden 'massive rush of sugar' - the body can't eliminate this sugar effectively, and in the long run that sugar creates free radicals.
She recommends sticking to foods with a low glycemic index, such as most fruits and vegetables, fish, eggs and meat, which don't raise the body's blood sugar levels so high.
During her 40s, a woman's menstrual cycle can shorten to every three weeks, premenstrual syndrome symptoms become more severe and periods longer and heavier. To improve their quality of life, many women opt for a hysterectomy.
But according to sexual health consultant Dr. Tina Peers, who is based in East Surrey, many women could be spared this operation if they simply changed their contraception.
'Mirena, the progestogen coil, is the Rolls-Royce of contraception for women this age. It stops periods in 85 per cent of women.
'Another choice that's possible for those concerned about taking the combined pill until they're 50 is NuvaRing, a disposable vaginal ring that's as effective as the Pill but delivers a lower rate of hormones.'
Ovarian cancer is known as the 'silent killer' and claims more than 4,300 lives a year in the UK because it has few symptoms, so is hard to detect.
One of the signs that's most commonly missed or misdiagnosed is a bloated tummy, which women often put down to irritable bowel syndrome, says Dr Rupal Shah, a GP in Battersea, London.
'If you feel constantly bloated for more than a couple of weeks and that feeling doesn't disappear after you've been to the loo, then book an appointment to see your GP.
'If it was IBS, you would expect to get some relief when you go to the loo and your bowel settles down. It's not right to feel bloated day after day.'
Depression isn't always in the mind - it can often be the warning sign of another illness or condition, warns London GP Ellie Cannon.
'Depression and anxiety can be early symptoms of physical conditions such as anaemia, thyroid problems or the menopause,' she says.
"Before taking antidepressants, talk to your doctor about whether you need a blood test to rule out the possibility of these conditions." - Daily Mail
Talking to Children About H1N1 -New Straits Times, Friday, 04/09/2009-
Talking to Children About H1N1
As a parent you know how hard it can be for children to understand stressful situations, such as the current situation of influenza A(H1N1). Stressful situations often cause children to worry and have many questions as to why it is happening and how it can be fixed. It is important to remember to take care of your health and well-being as well as the health of your children. If you cope with a stressful situation well, your children will also cope better. Your confidence and calm attitude will help your children ease their worries and feel safe and secure.
Here are some helpful tips on what you can do for your children:
- Keep activities as consistent and normal as possible even if your normal routine changes (due to daycare or school closures).
- Ask your children what they have heard about influenza A(H1N1). Answer questions openly and honestly, at a level they can understand. Be concrete and do not avoid difficult questions.
- Allow your children to express their feelings and concerns. Let them know it is okay to be afraid or mad. Ask questions so you can help them identify and cope with their feelings.
- Children always need to feel safe and loved. When they are uncertain about situations and afraid they may need even more affection and attention.
- Limit exposure to media and adult conversations about influenza A(H1N1). If your children are watching T.V. try to watch with them or make sure you are available to answer questions about what they have heard.
- As appropriate, encourage healthy behaviors: eating well, sleeping well, playing outside.
- Use their questions as an opportunity to let them know what they can do to avoid getting novel H1N1 flu.
Focus on what your child can do to avoid getting influenza A(H1N1:
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds (long enough for children to sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice). Be sure to set a good example by doing this yourself.
- Cough and sneeze into a tissue. (If a tissue is used, throw the tissue away immediately).
- Be sure to set a good example by doing this yourself.
- Stay at least six feet away from people who are sick.
- Stay home from school if sick, and stay away from sick people until they are better
Building your child's self esteem -New Straits Times, Friday, 04/09/2009-
New Straits Times
Friday, 04/09/2009 | |
Building your child's self esteem BUILDING your child's self esteem is one of the most important things you can do as parent. When you start with these positive changes, it will stick with your child for their entire life. The early childhood years a re critical time in the formation of self esteem. During these first years children form impression of their capabilitis and self worth based on their success and the feedback they receive. In order to develop a healthy self-esteem, a child needs to learn how to do things on his own. Parents can help a child accomplish difficult task, set chellenging, yet realistic goals and offer encouragment to meet those goals. As a child grows, parents should step back to let him solve problems and complete task on his own. A child will have many chances to learn how to be independent and competent as he grows. Parents should allow as much freedom as possible and only step in when the child is getting overly frustrated. A healthy self-esteem will flourish as a child develops his own special gifts. To build confidence and self-esteem, a school-aged child can be given chores allowed to participate in the age-appropriate activities that sparks his interest. Chores allow a child to contribute to the home and family in a positive way. Activities that are challenging, but doable, give a child a sense of pride and a chance to set achievable goals. The self-esteem of peer-oriented children will always be dependent on the way others perceive them. A positive self-esteem means that children and teens consider themselves to be valuable even when they are being judged by others. Children with a strong sense of self worth feel able take on challenges, believe their ability to be successful, and see setbacks as temporary situattions that can be overcome. Children with poor self image are easily discouraged, lack initiative to begin daunting task and see obstacles as defeating and permanent. Self-esteem begins at a child's earliest memories. The things you say and do to your children will have a huge impact on your children thrive on praise. You can never "spoil" a child with praise. You should always offfer praise your child for a job well done. No feat or activity is too small for praise and encouragement. Your child needs to know that you are there always, that you love him and that you beleive in him. This will help him build confidence that he needs later in life for everything that he tries to do. Criticism should always be constructive and you should remind your child of their positive traits and abilities and of how much you love them even when you have to scold or correct them. Encouragement will go along way to helping your child's self esteem.Encouragement can make a shy child come out of this shell and try something new. Fostering and building a children's self-esteem is an ongoing job for a parent. One that begins at birth and continues through childhood and into adulthood. A child with a healthy self-esteem will have confidence in himself and his abilities. Self-esteem can serve as a protactive armourthat helps a child grow and get through the trubulent adolescent years to become a successful, confident adult. If the seeds of self-esteem are not planted in a child when he is young, it can be very difficult to develop later in life.This is why teh respontibity falls on the adults in charge. How will you help boost your child's self-esteem today? |
Thursday, September 3, 2009
More info will come...
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Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Natural Cures for Yeast Infections } by

Upset Balance Of Healthy Microorganisms Can Cause Yeast Infection Symptoms
Yeast infection is a natural condition that in generally situations will not do a healthy body much damage. The only nuisance is that often the balance of microorganisms that are deemed to be OKfor the person get unbalancedin relation to other potentially hurtful bacteria which in turn lead to too much yeast being able to develop which in turn leads to yeast infection. In for the most part suitcases this infection occurs in sitting room inwards the body to facilitate are very warm and wet and Candida Albicans, a usual form of yeast infection is well-known to affect approximately seventy-five percent of all women at slightest one time for the period of their lifetimes.
Irritation And discomfort
The most regular yeast infection symptoms is experiencing very intense or moderate irritation as well as feeling sore and besides experiencing discomfort in sexual intercourse. Along with, other yeast infection symptoms include feeling burning sensation once urinating and there is additionally every so often a discharge in the vaginal area that looks creamy and which can also appear likecottage cheese.
Mostly, there are marked vaginal yeast infection symptoms that are not what will be noticablein other conditions. The irratabilityinwards the vaginal area is positively a yeast infection symptom though it can also occur as a variety of other causes including due to presence of irritating chemicals that are sometimes found in soaps and detergents as well as in douches as too vaginal creams.
There is also a close connection involving stress (psychological) and yeast infection symptoms since a stressed out individualwill react adversley and this impairs the functioning of their immune system whichcanincreases the likelihood of yeast infection symptoms increasing.
Soreness in the course of sexual intercourse is an extra customary yeast infection symptom. In addition, often even the medications being taken to cure yeast infection can react unhelpfully with the immune system and this can create a condition known as vaginitis which is nothing but infection in the vagina. And, what�s more, Candida albicans is the commonest form of yeast infection that in turn is a variant of vaginitis which can lead to feeling pain during sexual intercourse which of course is one more of the other classic yeast infection symptoms.
To end with, ordinary yeast infection symptoms include vaginal discharge which however could not always be noticeable though it can without doubt happen identified from its odorless nature and its white and thickish appearance that reminds you of cottage cheese.
Men too can develop yeast infection and so it is also necessary to find out more about male yeast infection symptoms. Typically, such symptoms are seen as being an irritation as too discomfort of the head of the male penis which can also become quite irritated as well � just as is the case with female vaginal irritation.
Natural Cures For Yeast Infections
Click here to learn more about natural cures for candida
cure candida naturally,natural cures for candida,candida die off symptoms,male yeast infection
Upset Balance Of Healthy Microorganisms Can Cause Yeast Infection Symptoms
Yeast infection is a natural condition that in generally situations will not do a healthy body much damage. The only nuisance is that often the balance of microorganisms that are deemed to be OKfor the person get unbalancedin relation to other potentially hurtful bacteria which in turn lead to too much yeast being able to develop which in turn leads to yeast infection. In for the most part suitcases this infection occurs in sitting room inwards the body to facilitate are very warm and wet and Candida Albicans, a usual form of yeast infection is well-known to affect approximately seventy-five percent of all women at slightest one time for the period of their lifetimes.
Irritation And discomfort
The most regular yeast infection symptoms is experiencing very intense or moderate irritation as well as feeling sore and besides experiencing discomfort in sexual intercourse. Along with, other yeast infection symptoms include feeling burning sensation once urinating and there is additionally every so often a discharge in the vaginal area that looks creamy and which can also appear likecottage cheese.
Mostly, there are marked vaginal yeast infection symptoms that are not what will be noticablein other conditions. The irratabilityinwards the vaginal area is positively a yeast infection symptom though it can also occur as a variety of other causes including due to presence of irritating chemicals that are sometimes found in soaps and detergents as well as in douches as too vaginal creams.
There is also a close connection involving stress (psychological) and yeast infection symptoms since a stressed out individualwill react adversley and this impairs the functioning of their immune system whichcanincreases the likelihood of yeast infection symptoms increasing.
Soreness in the course of sexual intercourse is an extra customary yeast infection symptom. In addition, often even the medications being taken to cure yeast infection can react unhelpfully with the immune system and this can create a condition known as vaginitis which is nothing but infection in the vagina. And, what�s more, Candida albicans is the commonest form of yeast infection that in turn is a variant of vaginitis which can lead to feeling pain during sexual intercourse which of course is one more of the other classic yeast infection symptoms.
To end with, ordinary yeast infection symptoms include vaginal discharge which however could not always be noticeable though it can without doubt happen identified from its odorless nature and its white and thickish appearance that reminds you of cottage cheese.
Men too can develop yeast infection and so it is also necessary to find out more about male yeast infection symptoms. Typically, such symptoms are seen as being an irritation as too discomfort of the head of the male penis which can also become quite irritated as well � just as is the case with female vaginal irritation.
Natural Cures For Yeast Infections
Click here to learn more about natural cures for candida
cure candida naturally,natural cures for candida,candida die off symptoms,male yeast infection
Information About Sinuses by David H. Urmann
Sinuses are a common sickness. There are many types of sinuses, obtained from different factors.
Sinus infection (also known as sinusitis) is the inflation of sinuses and nasal passages. Sinus infection can cause lots of disorders in the human body. These disorders are concentrated on the upper part of the human body. Based on the paranasal sinuses or anatomy of the sinuses, there are four major pairs of sinuses in the human skull. They are connected to the nostrils and nasal passage spaces. They help insulate the skull. There are the four major pairs. The frontal sinuses are in the forehead. The sphenoid sinuses are at the back of the eyes. The ethmoid sinuses are between the eyes, and maxillary sinuses behind the cheeks Sinuses normally contain defense that fights foreign viruses and bacteria called germs. If the defense is disrupted, the bacteria in the nasal passage will be able to enter any of the major pairs of sinuses. The bacteria will then stick to the cell lining and cause swelling. There are two types of sinuses: acute sinus and chronic sinus. Acute sinus (or sudden onset sinus) normally lasts not more than eight weeks. This does not occur more than three times a year. Every attack of acute sinus does not last for then days. Chronic sinus (or long term sinus) lasts longer. It occurs four times and more per year. Every attack lasts for more than twenty days. Sinuses have different symptoms. It may be heavy headaches, ear problem, allergies, congestion and other chronic problems. This sinusitis may be caused by allergies, bacterial infection, dust, exposure to smoke and other irritants in home, school or workplace. The normal thing that a person suffers when he has sinus is pain on the side of the face, swelling on the eye area and post nasal drip. Pay close attention as the patient may also develop a high fever. There are varied medications to treat sinuses. Acute sinusitis can be cured by antibiotics, especially if it is bacterial infection. However, antibiotics can not prevent having a stuffy nose. For viral infections, drink lots of water and other fluids like fruit juices or tea. Home remedies are also common, like boiling water and inhaling the steam, or rubbing a vaporizer on your chest and back and nasal area. All these temporary relieve discomforts and let a patient breathe more easily. These are helpful especially when trying to get a sound sleep at night. However, it is still best to consult a doctor, especially after observing that a sinus has been lingering for weeks or months. There is a possibility sometimes that the sinus is just a symptom of a bigger and more serious illness.
And as always, prevention is still the best cure. Live a healthy life. Always get enough sleep as much as possible. Avoid vices like smoking cigarettes that could weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible in catching sinuses. Exercise regularly to improve your stamina and endurance.
Live in a clean environment because dusts and dirt can also irritate your nose and might lead to discomfiting sinuses.
Sinus infection (also known as sinusitis) is the inflation of sinuses and nasal passages. Sinus infection can cause lots of disorders in the human body. These disorders are concentrated on the upper part of the human body. Based on the paranasal sinuses or anatomy of the sinuses, there are four major pairs of sinuses in the human skull. They are connected to the nostrils and nasal passage spaces. They help insulate the skull. There are the four major pairs. The frontal sinuses are in the forehead. The sphenoid sinuses are at the back of the eyes. The ethmoid sinuses are between the eyes, and maxillary sinuses behind the cheeks Sinuses normally contain defense that fights foreign viruses and bacteria called germs. If the defense is disrupted, the bacteria in the nasal passage will be able to enter any of the major pairs of sinuses. The bacteria will then stick to the cell lining and cause swelling. There are two types of sinuses: acute sinus and chronic sinus. Acute sinus (or sudden onset sinus) normally lasts not more than eight weeks. This does not occur more than three times a year. Every attack of acute sinus does not last for then days. Chronic sinus (or long term sinus) lasts longer. It occurs four times and more per year. Every attack lasts for more than twenty days. Sinuses have different symptoms. It may be heavy headaches, ear problem, allergies, congestion and other chronic problems. This sinusitis may be caused by allergies, bacterial infection, dust, exposure to smoke and other irritants in home, school or workplace. The normal thing that a person suffers when he has sinus is pain on the side of the face, swelling on the eye area and post nasal drip. Pay close attention as the patient may also develop a high fever. There are varied medications to treat sinuses. Acute sinusitis can be cured by antibiotics, especially if it is bacterial infection. However, antibiotics can not prevent having a stuffy nose. For viral infections, drink lots of water and other fluids like fruit juices or tea. Home remedies are also common, like boiling water and inhaling the steam, or rubbing a vaporizer on your chest and back and nasal area. All these temporary relieve discomforts and let a patient breathe more easily. These are helpful especially when trying to get a sound sleep at night. However, it is still best to consult a doctor, especially after observing that a sinus has been lingering for weeks or months. There is a possibility sometimes that the sinus is just a symptom of a bigger and more serious illness.
And as always, prevention is still the best cure. Live a healthy life. Always get enough sleep as much as possible. Avoid vices like smoking cigarettes that could weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible in catching sinuses. Exercise regularly to improve your stamina and endurance.
Live in a clean environment because dusts and dirt can also irritate your nose and might lead to discomfiting sinuses.
Breast Cancer - What to Expect From Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy by Muscle Man
Radiation therapy is carried out using a large machine called a linear accelerator. The machine delivers a minute quantity of high-energy radiation which kills the cancerous cells. The radiation causes only the absolute minimal damage to skin tissue and stop cancer cells from reproducing. Radiation therapy has shown to vastly improve survival rates in women with breast cancer. Radiation therapy can be used for several reasons when related to breast cancer. Following a mastectomy or lumpectomy, the treatment can be used in conjunction with chemotherapy to lower the risk of cancer growing back.
Radiation therapy can also be used if a surgeon feels that the removal of a tumor isn't entirely in the best interests of a patient's health. Treatment can also help if cancer has spread into the bone structure or the brain, and can also be used if the cancer actually reoccurs.
The treatment process when undergoing radiation therapy is painless, but some patient can experience side effects. These may include dryness and discomfort of the skin that can be treated by your general practice if it occurs. However, it can take up to twelve months for the effects to completely heal. There is also the inevitable side effect of fatigue which normally happens around a fortnight into treatment. Fatigue can last up to a month after treatment is completed, but can be countered by getting more rest and having early nights.
Blood will need to be checked regularly for reduced counts and some women will experience a sore mouth or throat if treatment is carried out around that particular area. There are also significant lifestyle changes that may have to be made while radiation therapy is taking place. Rest is imperative and close attention needs to be paid to a healthy diet.
Regular blood tests will be necessary, and visits to the doctor should be made if unusual symptoms such as coughing, sweating, fever or pain occur. The affected area should receive extra care and be treated gently. Tight clothes around the area should be avoided to prevent rubbing. It's also important to moisturize the affected area after radiation therapy is complete and the treated area must also be kept out of direct sunlight.
The advances in radiation therapy means that long-term side effects are quite rare but they do still occur. Rib fractures, lung inflammation, damage to the heart, scarring and the association of other tumors like sarcoma are all possible but not as common as they once were. Download your Natural Cancer Treatments ebook @ now.
Radiation therapy can also be used if a surgeon feels that the removal of a tumor isn't entirely in the best interests of a patient's health. Treatment can also help if cancer has spread into the bone structure or the brain, and can also be used if the cancer actually reoccurs.
The treatment process when undergoing radiation therapy is painless, but some patient can experience side effects. These may include dryness and discomfort of the skin that can be treated by your general practice if it occurs. However, it can take up to twelve months for the effects to completely heal. There is also the inevitable side effect of fatigue which normally happens around a fortnight into treatment. Fatigue can last up to a month after treatment is completed, but can be countered by getting more rest and having early nights.
Blood will need to be checked regularly for reduced counts and some women will experience a sore mouth or throat if treatment is carried out around that particular area. There are also significant lifestyle changes that may have to be made while radiation therapy is taking place. Rest is imperative and close attention needs to be paid to a healthy diet.
Regular blood tests will be necessary, and visits to the doctor should be made if unusual symptoms such as coughing, sweating, fever or pain occur. The affected area should receive extra care and be treated gently. Tight clothes around the area should be avoided to prevent rubbing. It's also important to moisturize the affected area after radiation therapy is complete and the treated area must also be kept out of direct sunlight.
The advances in radiation therapy means that long-term side effects are quite rare but they do still occur. Rib fractures, lung inflammation, damage to the heart, scarring and the association of other tumors like sarcoma are all possible but not as common as they once were. Download your Natural Cancer Treatments ebook @ now.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Threat of a Second Swine Flu Infection Wave Needs to Be Taken Seriously by Mark Farrell
Copyright (c) 2009 Mark Farrell
The current swine flu pandemic has, so far, turned out to be less severe than expected, with most infected people experiencing mild symptoms, and only a relatively limited number of deaths.
Will it stay this way and slowly fade away?
Health officials say this is unlikely, and warn that swine flu may re-emerge,next fall, more deadly than ever. There remains, however, uncertainty about what could happen should this relatively mild outbreak be followed by a more severe one later this year.
Dr. James McCaw, of the Vaccine & Immunization Research Group (VIRGo), in the School of Population Health at the University of Melbourne, Australia, is involved in major math modeling projects related to pandemic influenza transmission, immunity and threat.
McCaw was asked what is the likelihood of a second wave of swine flu? And what should we expect over the coming months?
Flu pandemics historically come in waves We know from past pandemics that multiple waves can, and do, occur, says McCaw. A defining feature of pandemics, like the ones of 1918-19, 1957and 1968, is their tendency to occur out-of-season, not necessarily over the winter period.
The 1918-19 pandemic (i.e., the Spanish flu), which was also caused by the H1N1virus, provides the best example of this type of behavior, he says. At that time, the United States and the United Kingdom experienced three distinct H1N1 flu waves, within just 12 months.
McCaw notes that each wave was more severe than seasonal influenza, both in terms of the proportion of the population infected and the case fatality rate. The second wave in the United Kingdom was the most severe, contributing the most deaths of any of the three waves. And the severity of influenza remained high for a number of seasons following the pandemic.
Beyond a second wave It appears that the wave behavior might extend beyond a second flu outbreak into possible further flu pandemic waves. There is clear evidence that this happened in the past, says McCaw, as shown by an increase in the numbers and severity of the seasonal flu outbreaks that occurred after a pandemic. This was the case, for example,for many populations around the world after the Spanish flu and the flu pandemics of 1957 and1968.
Predictions are difficult to make In terms of the 2009 outbreak, he says, we have very little data that would allow prediction of a second wave, let alone its severity. As such, we cannot specify a probability or the 'likely characteristics'of a second wave.
New research confirms: swine flu could turn deadlier For a lethal fall swine flu pandemic wave to occur, the A(H1N1) virus needs to mutate into a form capable of infecting and killing more people, more rapidly. Although, there is no firm evidence that the swine flu virus is already undergoing such a transformation,a study published is Science by researchers of the National Influenza Center and Department of Virology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands,shows that it has indeed the potential of becoming more deadly.
Compared to previous seasonal influenza A(H1N1) forms, which only replicate in the upper airways (i.e., the nasal cavity), 2009 A(H1N1) has the ability, in animals,of reproducing in the lower airways ( trachea, bronchi, and lungs). What this means to us is that 2009 A(H1N1) could trigger a highly deadly form of viral pneumonia capable of killing people in just a few hours, as it occurred during the Spanish flu of 1918. Most at risk would be healthy20- to 40-year-old individuals, whose immune system reacts more vigorously to the infection.
Don't just write Swine Flu off as another minor problem as the second wave could kill us all.
The current swine flu pandemic has, so far, turned out to be less severe than expected, with most infected people experiencing mild symptoms, and only a relatively limited number of deaths.
Will it stay this way and slowly fade away?
Health officials say this is unlikely, and warn that swine flu may re-emerge,next fall, more deadly than ever. There remains, however, uncertainty about what could happen should this relatively mild outbreak be followed by a more severe one later this year.
Dr. James McCaw, of the Vaccine & Immunization Research Group (VIRGo), in the School of Population Health at the University of Melbourne, Australia, is involved in major math modeling projects related to pandemic influenza transmission, immunity and threat.
McCaw was asked what is the likelihood of a second wave of swine flu? And what should we expect over the coming months?
Flu pandemics historically come in waves We know from past pandemics that multiple waves can, and do, occur, says McCaw. A defining feature of pandemics, like the ones of 1918-19, 1957and 1968, is their tendency to occur out-of-season, not necessarily over the winter period.
The 1918-19 pandemic (i.e., the Spanish flu), which was also caused by the H1N1virus, provides the best example of this type of behavior, he says. At that time, the United States and the United Kingdom experienced three distinct H1N1 flu waves, within just 12 months.
McCaw notes that each wave was more severe than seasonal influenza, both in terms of the proportion of the population infected and the case fatality rate. The second wave in the United Kingdom was the most severe, contributing the most deaths of any of the three waves. And the severity of influenza remained high for a number of seasons following the pandemic.
Beyond a second wave It appears that the wave behavior might extend beyond a second flu outbreak into possible further flu pandemic waves. There is clear evidence that this happened in the past, says McCaw, as shown by an increase in the numbers and severity of the seasonal flu outbreaks that occurred after a pandemic. This was the case, for example,for many populations around the world after the Spanish flu and the flu pandemics of 1957 and1968.
Predictions are difficult to make In terms of the 2009 outbreak, he says, we have very little data that would allow prediction of a second wave, let alone its severity. As such, we cannot specify a probability or the 'likely characteristics'of a second wave.
New research confirms: swine flu could turn deadlier For a lethal fall swine flu pandemic wave to occur, the A(H1N1) virus needs to mutate into a form capable of infecting and killing more people, more rapidly. Although, there is no firm evidence that the swine flu virus is already undergoing such a transformation,a study published is Science by researchers of the National Influenza Center and Department of Virology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands,shows that it has indeed the potential of becoming more deadly.
Compared to previous seasonal influenza A(H1N1) forms, which only replicate in the upper airways (i.e., the nasal cavity), 2009 A(H1N1) has the ability, in animals,of reproducing in the lower airways ( trachea, bronchi, and lungs). What this means to us is that 2009 A(H1N1) could trigger a highly deadly form of viral pneumonia capable of killing people in just a few hours, as it occurred during the Spanish flu of 1918. Most at risk would be healthy20- to 40-year-old individuals, whose immune system reacts more vigorously to the infection.
Don't just write Swine Flu off as another minor problem as the second wave could kill us all.
How To Cure Back Pain by Steve Whelan
Among which are: Bulging or ruptured disks. Cauda equine syndrome. This is due to the added weight and hormonal fibers which expand the sacroiliac joints and widens the size of the birth canal. Osteoarthritis usually hits the joints of the hands, hips, hands and lower body; it causes the narrowing of the spine and spinal cord, leading spinal stenosis which is commonly due to aging. Back pain during pregnancy. Lumbar muscle strained is the most common cause but the pain disappears after a few weeks. Once in their lifetime, more than 31 million Americans experienced dorsalquia; 60 suffered back problems; 4 out of 5 people had low back pain while 50 of working Americans have back pain symptoms each year.
Back pains are caused by the debilitating conditions brought about by osteoporosis, vertebral fractures, osteoarthritis, degenerative spondylolishtesis, degenerative disk diseases, spinal stenosis, pinched nerves and adult scoliosis. When you feel pain every time you cough or bend from the waist, you have herniated disk. When to consult the doctor. The pain in the back spreads from the lower back to the buttocks then to the thigh and down to the calves and toes. In fact, back pains which are considered work-related disorders, will enable the employee the right to receive a disability pension.
For the record, diagnostic exams are not really essential but to be secured, you will see your doctor and he will go about checking your back, testing your ability to sit, stand, walk and even lift your leg. Make sure your automobile seat provides for a low back support and use throw pillows when necessary. In picking up objects from the floor, do not bend down, instead use your knees then lift the object from one side.
By increasing the pain, it causes your pain to reduce the pain. You acquire the knowledge on how to cure back pains and how to use them to achieve the cure, not in a few minutes but according to the length of time that it normally takes place. You need medication, homeopathy, herbs and supplements..
Most back pains will disappear after a few weeks by using an ordinary home remedy. Acute back pains. Muscles that are strained from excessive physical activities or become spasmodic will usually heal after some time. Even if you do not have back pains, you need to take proper rest by lying down from 2 - 4 hours daily on your back. Medications for treating back pains are:The non-steroidal anti-flammatory medicines, the generic ibuprofen with brands like naproxen and ketopropen; inhibitors as COX-2 also known as celocoxib; acetaminophen which taken to relieve acute pain; varied muscle relaxants, opioids analgesics and steroid injections. Exercise is good therapy.
Aside from improving your physical fitness; it is also an effective therapy in reducing back pain which will last for several months. It delivers deep heat by using high frequency waves; this will reduce stiffness, muscle spasm and pain. It involves using weights or harness to apply a constant force along the length of the spine. Laboratory studies showed that the shoe insole can be a help in preventing and treating back pains.
Apply deep pressure by pushing it, then holding it for a few seconds, then pushing it, then releasing and pushing and then holding it for a few seconds and release. First of all, the miracle worker can be anyone of you and you are always around. Assume this position for a while, holding your breathe. Take a deep breath, counting from 1 to 5 as you continuously inhale and exhale, breathing in and breathing out. Here are three exercise techniques which have been tried, tested and insure to reduce your back ache. The twist will increase spinal flexibility. Technique 3.
Among which are: Bulging or ruptured disks. Cauda equine syndrome. This is due to the added weight and hormonal fibers which expand the sacroiliac joints and widens the size of the birth canal. Osteoarthritis usually hits the joints of the hands, hips, hands and lower body; it causes the narrowing of the spine and spinal cord, leading spinal stenosis which is commonly due to aging. Back pain during pregnancy. Lumbar muscle strained is the most common cause but the pain disappears after a few weeks. Once in their lifetime, more than 31 million Americans experienced dorsalquia; 60 suffered back problems; 4 out of 5 people had low back pain while 50 of working Americans have back pain symptoms each year.
Back pains are caused by the debilitating conditions brought about by osteoporosis, vertebral fractures, osteoarthritis, degenerative spondylolishtesis, degenerative disk diseases, spinal stenosis, pinched nerves and adult scoliosis. When you feel pain every time you cough or bend from the waist, you have herniated disk. When to consult the doctor. The pain in the back spreads from the lower back to the buttocks then to the thigh and down to the calves and toes. In fact, back pains which are considered work-related disorders, will enable the employee the right to receive a disability pension.
For the record, diagnostic exams are not really essential but to be secured, you will see your doctor and he will go about checking your back, testing your ability to sit, stand, walk and even lift your leg. Make sure your automobile seat provides for a low back support and use throw pillows when necessary. In picking up objects from the floor, do not bend down, instead use your knees then lift the object from one side.
By increasing the pain, it causes your pain to reduce the pain. You acquire the knowledge on how to cure back pains and how to use them to achieve the cure, not in a few minutes but according to the length of time that it normally takes place. You need medication, homeopathy, herbs and supplements..
Most back pains will disappear after a few weeks by using an ordinary home remedy. Acute back pains. Muscles that are strained from excessive physical activities or become spasmodic will usually heal after some time. Even if you do not have back pains, you need to take proper rest by lying down from 2 - 4 hours daily on your back. Medications for treating back pains are:The non-steroidal anti-flammatory medicines, the generic ibuprofen with brands like naproxen and ketopropen; inhibitors as COX-2 also known as celocoxib; acetaminophen which taken to relieve acute pain; varied muscle relaxants, opioids analgesics and steroid injections. Exercise is good therapy.
Aside from improving your physical fitness; it is also an effective therapy in reducing back pain which will last for several months. It delivers deep heat by using high frequency waves; this will reduce stiffness, muscle spasm and pain. It involves using weights or harness to apply a constant force along the length of the spine. Laboratory studies showed that the shoe insole can be a help in preventing and treating back pains.
Apply deep pressure by pushing it, then holding it for a few seconds, then pushing it, then releasing and pushing and then holding it for a few seconds and release. First of all, the miracle worker can be anyone of you and you are always around. Assume this position for a while, holding your breathe. Take a deep breath, counting from 1 to 5 as you continuously inhale and exhale, breathing in and breathing out. Here are three exercise techniques which have been tried, tested and insure to reduce your back ache. The twist will increase spinal flexibility. Technique 3.
Systemic Candidiasis - A Silent Killer by R J McNaught
We are all aware of the fungus candida and what happens when it gets a over-excited.
Oral or vaginal thrush, tinea, jock itch and the like are annoying in the least, debilitating at their worst, but handled properly these are relatively easy to dianose and treat.
But what if we don't get the rogue fungi back under control? Or what if there are no discernible symptoms and we miss it completely?
For the healthy person this is not a problem, the delicate balance of organisms will be restored eventually and you will be no worse off.
However there is the slight possibility that the infection will find it's way into the bloodstream and internal organs by a varity of methods;
*Through an untreated primary infection - tinea, thrush or any other skin infection that has spread into the intestinal tract,
*through any open wound,
*through surgery or catheterization
*having a long course of antibiotics,
*or having lowered immunity - as in HIV or leukemia.
Once there it begins to cause problems with the internal workings and systems. This is appropriately named Systemic Candidiasis.
The major difficulty with this is that because of the variety of parts that may be attacked, the symptoms can be too varied or subtle for a definite diagnosis to be achieved.
Candida often first spreads in the intestinal tract causing digestive problems like; gas, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, indigestion, nausea. It also creates major cravings for sugar, starches and alcohol.
(Of course the more of these foods that are consumed, the worse you begin to feel as they feed the yeast which repays you by releasing toxins and interfering with digestion even more).
Once the candida hits the internal organs and bloodstream, the immune system is put under far too much pressure and begins to falter.
As the candida spreads through the body, symptoms grow more diverse and involved ranging from high fevers to blurred vision - Specific signs and symptoms relate to the site of infection:
Eczema, Jumpy Legs, Blurred vision, Skin lesions, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Depression, Thyroid function anomolies, Increased susceptibility to infections, Chronic fatigue, Muscular and joint aches, An 'itchy bum' PMS, Impotence, Memory loss, Mood swings, Brain fog, Recurrent infections such as "jock itch", tinea, ringworm and vaginal or urinary infections, Sensitivity to smell, Prostatitis, That drunk feeling after one wine, beer, or certain foods, Aching joints, Acne, Heart murmurs, Fevers, Cough, chest infections.....
These are only a few of the numerous symptoms of Systemic Candidiasis.
A good indicator of whether it is systemic candidiasis causing your symptoms is that they can be worsened after eating foods containing high levels of sugar or yeast. The severity of the symptoms may also increase if you are in contact with a damp or mouldy atmosphere.
Oral or vaginal thrush, tinea, jock itch and the like are annoying in the least, debilitating at their worst, but handled properly these are relatively easy to dianose and treat.
But what if we don't get the rogue fungi back under control? Or what if there are no discernible symptoms and we miss it completely?
For the healthy person this is not a problem, the delicate balance of organisms will be restored eventually and you will be no worse off.
However there is the slight possibility that the infection will find it's way into the bloodstream and internal organs by a varity of methods;
*Through an untreated primary infection - tinea, thrush or any other skin infection that has spread into the intestinal tract,
*through any open wound,
*through surgery or catheterization
*having a long course of antibiotics,
*or having lowered immunity - as in HIV or leukemia.
Once there it begins to cause problems with the internal workings and systems. This is appropriately named Systemic Candidiasis.
The major difficulty with this is that because of the variety of parts that may be attacked, the symptoms can be too varied or subtle for a definite diagnosis to be achieved.
Candida often first spreads in the intestinal tract causing digestive problems like; gas, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, indigestion, nausea. It also creates major cravings for sugar, starches and alcohol.
(Of course the more of these foods that are consumed, the worse you begin to feel as they feed the yeast which repays you by releasing toxins and interfering with digestion even more).
Once the candida hits the internal organs and bloodstream, the immune system is put under far too much pressure and begins to falter.
As the candida spreads through the body, symptoms grow more diverse and involved ranging from high fevers to blurred vision - Specific signs and symptoms relate to the site of infection:
Eczema, Jumpy Legs, Blurred vision, Skin lesions, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Depression, Thyroid function anomolies, Increased susceptibility to infections, Chronic fatigue, Muscular and joint aches, An 'itchy bum' PMS, Impotence, Memory loss, Mood swings, Brain fog, Recurrent infections such as "jock itch", tinea, ringworm and vaginal or urinary infections, Sensitivity to smell, Prostatitis, That drunk feeling after one wine, beer, or certain foods, Aching joints, Acne, Heart murmurs, Fevers, Cough, chest infections.....
These are only a few of the numerous symptoms of Systemic Candidiasis.
A good indicator of whether it is systemic candidiasis causing your symptoms is that they can be worsened after eating foods containing high levels of sugar or yeast. The severity of the symptoms may also increase if you are in contact with a damp or mouldy atmosphere.
How Healing Flows by Marie C. Barrett
Is it possible to heal our emotional stress and physical disease? We are complex people but we, like the rest of creation, work and function according to universal laws. If we did not, life would be chaotic.
So when we understand how we function, in what order of flow our life works, then we can begin to take control of our part in creating our life the way we choose it to be. We cannot control every part of our life but nor do we have to be victims either; we are healers, lovers, creators and experiencers of our creations.
Here is a simple scenario of the sequence of how life works and of how, when we adhere to the process of creating the flow, life can be as we want it. This process is relating to healing, but the principles apply to the whole of human life.
Jon wants to stop smoking because he notices some body symptoms the doctor has told him are the result of his smoking addiction. If he does not quit smoking he will probably develop lung cancer, and he already has a menacing cough. What does Jon do? How can he stop this compulsive drive to smoke?
There are three clear issues here: The kind of person Jon is, his persona in life, an identity issue; his compulsion to smoke, an emotional issue; and his developing physical symptoms of disease. What deprivation or need is he trying to fill or cover over by smoking?
How is Jon showing up in life, identifying himself, that he has this need? I am someone who can't cope with the stresses of my life. Why does he feel the compulsion to smoke? Smoking makes me feel relaxed, nurtured and safe.
What if you don't smoke, how would you feel? I would feel stressed, agitated, short tempered and angry. I couldn't cope with the stresses in my life.
Note that the fundamental cause of the addiction lies with who this person is being: being powerless to cope.
By working on his identity, the cause of his addiction to smoking, Jon has a great chance of realigning the rest of his behaviour that poses such a health threat. He needs to accept responsibility for creating himself as weak and powerless. Fighting against the idea of being powerless will just energize his weakness, and make it stronger. But by accepting himself just as he is, he allows the negative energy to flow without resistance; and once the energy has discharged, it will never bother him again in the same way.
Jon then decides to create a new identity: he wants to be calm, gentle, imperturbable, and fun to be with. He has removed his need to smoke because he has changed who he is, his identity. Jon has healed himself by choosing to be a person of power rather than powerless, calm instead of stressed, fun instead of angry, and healthy instead of diseased.
So we can see from this simple exercise that by controlling who we are, we automatically control/change how we feel and negate the reason for our physical disease to exist. Disease of the body is a result and sign of our presiding identity and emotions. Taking creative responsibility for our identity is true power, and we all have this ability. We are creators in the real sense: we create who we are and how we live our life.
Can we heal ourselves of all our physical illnesses? Evidence shows we still have some way to go in understanding the healing process. But we are well on that path and one day soon it will be our reality if that is what we choose.
So when we understand how we function, in what order of flow our life works, then we can begin to take control of our part in creating our life the way we choose it to be. We cannot control every part of our life but nor do we have to be victims either; we are healers, lovers, creators and experiencers of our creations.
Here is a simple scenario of the sequence of how life works and of how, when we adhere to the process of creating the flow, life can be as we want it. This process is relating to healing, but the principles apply to the whole of human life.
Jon wants to stop smoking because he notices some body symptoms the doctor has told him are the result of his smoking addiction. If he does not quit smoking he will probably develop lung cancer, and he already has a menacing cough. What does Jon do? How can he stop this compulsive drive to smoke?
There are three clear issues here: The kind of person Jon is, his persona in life, an identity issue; his compulsion to smoke, an emotional issue; and his developing physical symptoms of disease. What deprivation or need is he trying to fill or cover over by smoking?
How is Jon showing up in life, identifying himself, that he has this need? I am someone who can't cope with the stresses of my life. Why does he feel the compulsion to smoke? Smoking makes me feel relaxed, nurtured and safe.
What if you don't smoke, how would you feel? I would feel stressed, agitated, short tempered and angry. I couldn't cope with the stresses in my life.
Note that the fundamental cause of the addiction lies with who this person is being: being powerless to cope.
By working on his identity, the cause of his addiction to smoking, Jon has a great chance of realigning the rest of his behaviour that poses such a health threat. He needs to accept responsibility for creating himself as weak and powerless. Fighting against the idea of being powerless will just energize his weakness, and make it stronger. But by accepting himself just as he is, he allows the negative energy to flow without resistance; and once the energy has discharged, it will never bother him again in the same way.
Jon then decides to create a new identity: he wants to be calm, gentle, imperturbable, and fun to be with. He has removed his need to smoke because he has changed who he is, his identity. Jon has healed himself by choosing to be a person of power rather than powerless, calm instead of stressed, fun instead of angry, and healthy instead of diseased.
So we can see from this simple exercise that by controlling who we are, we automatically control/change how we feel and negate the reason for our physical disease to exist. Disease of the body is a result and sign of our presiding identity and emotions. Taking creative responsibility for our identity is true power, and we all have this ability. We are creators in the real sense: we create who we are and how we live our life.
Can we heal ourselves of all our physical illnesses? Evidence shows we still have some way to go in understanding the healing process. But we are well on that path and one day soon it will be our reality if that is what we choose.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Chronic Sciatica by Sensei Adam Rostocki
Chronic sciatica is a torturous and difficult to resolve back and leg pain syndrome. Sciatica is not a diagnosis, but a symptom of an underlying causative condition. True sciatica is sourced by a spinal abnormality, while pseudo-sciatica can come about due to muscular, circulatory or even psychosomatic reasons. No matter what the actual cause of sciatica, chronic symptoms can make life very difficult for affected patients.
Chronic means long lasting or recurring. For sciatica sufferers, there are a great number of different chronic patterns associated with their symptomatic expressions. Some patients endure the same pain everyday, while others endure a variable symptomology which can change hour to hour in some cases. Many patients endure constant back and leg pain, while others suffer only at certain times of the day, or with certain activities or positions. Some patients have a little or a lot of pain everyday, while others will have good days without pain and bad days with hellish symptoms. Finally, recurrent bouts of acute sciatica or "flare ups", as they are often called, can be one of the most agonizing clinical profiles possible and can create a tremendous amount of anxiety in every sciatic nerve pain sufferer.
Statistically, the most common diagnostic conclusion used to explain sciatic nerve symptoms is a herniated lumbar disc, typically at L4/L5 or L5/S1. These are the levels which suffer the greatest and most universal degeneration in the human spine, so it is easy to see why herniations at these locations are common diagnostic scapegoats. However, in order for these bulging discs to enact symptoms, they would have to affect surrounding neurological tissues through the processes of spinal stenosis or foraminal stenosis. This is because the spinal discs themselves do not feel pain, as they do not have blood supply or nerve endings.
Foraminal stenosis is the usual diagnosis for herniated discs theorized to cause sciatica. These "pinched nerves", as they are often called, go on to form the sciatic nerve, so it is thought that compression of one or more nerve roots can enact sciatica pain. Clinical research has decisively shown that actual compressed nerves stop signaling altogether, causing a condition of true objective numbness and weakness in the regions served by the affected nerve structure. There would be no lasting pain or tingling, as well as no subjective numbness and weakness common to the vast majority of sciatica complaints. This makes the pinched nerve theory lose tremendous credibility as a true source of sciatica. Additionally, in order for a herniated disc to actually have any effect on the nerve at all, the bulge would have to virtually completely close off the neuroforaminal space, which is a very rare scenario indeed.
Spinal stenosis as a source of sciatica is more complicated, since stenosis anywhere in the spine can create a variable pain pattern, along with the typical neurological symptoms in the legs. Stenosis in the lower back can create sciatica, as can stenosis far up in the cervical spine. This makes diagnosis very difficult, when the causation is indeed structural. Add to this fact that most stenosis is not symptomatic in anyway, even though anatomical alteration is evident upon diagnostic imaging, and you really have a hard time differentiating between potentially troublesome stenosis and innocent spinal canal narrowing. Many herniated discs, for example, may impinge on the thecal sac surrounding the spinal cord, but do not have any effect on the cord itself. Even herniations which do press into the cord typically may displace the cord (creating a frightening image on MRI films), but usually do not cause any pain or sciatica. However, in some cases, spinal stenosis can be problematic and truly enact lower back, buttocks and leg pain syndromes.
Despite all this doom and gloom, there is some good news about sciatica. Structural causations which are accurately diagnosed and truly do create symptoms most commonly respond very well to indicated medical and complementary treatment. This means that most true anatomical issues responsible for enacting pain can be completely cured. For patients with long term symptoms which have proven themselves to be unresponsive to various forms of treatment, the answer is simple. In these cases, the condition is virtually always misdiagnosed, leading the sufferer on a wild goose chase using treatments which are all targeting mistakenly identified causes of pain. No wonder the treatments fail...
Chronic means long lasting or recurring. For sciatica sufferers, there are a great number of different chronic patterns associated with their symptomatic expressions. Some patients endure the same pain everyday, while others endure a variable symptomology which can change hour to hour in some cases. Many patients endure constant back and leg pain, while others suffer only at certain times of the day, or with certain activities or positions. Some patients have a little or a lot of pain everyday, while others will have good days without pain and bad days with hellish symptoms. Finally, recurrent bouts of acute sciatica or "flare ups", as they are often called, can be one of the most agonizing clinical profiles possible and can create a tremendous amount of anxiety in every sciatic nerve pain sufferer.
Statistically, the most common diagnostic conclusion used to explain sciatic nerve symptoms is a herniated lumbar disc, typically at L4/L5 or L5/S1. These are the levels which suffer the greatest and most universal degeneration in the human spine, so it is easy to see why herniations at these locations are common diagnostic scapegoats. However, in order for these bulging discs to enact symptoms, they would have to affect surrounding neurological tissues through the processes of spinal stenosis or foraminal stenosis. This is because the spinal discs themselves do not feel pain, as they do not have blood supply or nerve endings.
Foraminal stenosis is the usual diagnosis for herniated discs theorized to cause sciatica. These "pinched nerves", as they are often called, go on to form the sciatic nerve, so it is thought that compression of one or more nerve roots can enact sciatica pain. Clinical research has decisively shown that actual compressed nerves stop signaling altogether, causing a condition of true objective numbness and weakness in the regions served by the affected nerve structure. There would be no lasting pain or tingling, as well as no subjective numbness and weakness common to the vast majority of sciatica complaints. This makes the pinched nerve theory lose tremendous credibility as a true source of sciatica. Additionally, in order for a herniated disc to actually have any effect on the nerve at all, the bulge would have to virtually completely close off the neuroforaminal space, which is a very rare scenario indeed.
Spinal stenosis as a source of sciatica is more complicated, since stenosis anywhere in the spine can create a variable pain pattern, along with the typical neurological symptoms in the legs. Stenosis in the lower back can create sciatica, as can stenosis far up in the cervical spine. This makes diagnosis very difficult, when the causation is indeed structural. Add to this fact that most stenosis is not symptomatic in anyway, even though anatomical alteration is evident upon diagnostic imaging, and you really have a hard time differentiating between potentially troublesome stenosis and innocent spinal canal narrowing. Many herniated discs, for example, may impinge on the thecal sac surrounding the spinal cord, but do not have any effect on the cord itself. Even herniations which do press into the cord typically may displace the cord (creating a frightening image on MRI films), but usually do not cause any pain or sciatica. However, in some cases, spinal stenosis can be problematic and truly enact lower back, buttocks and leg pain syndromes.
Despite all this doom and gloom, there is some good news about sciatica. Structural causations which are accurately diagnosed and truly do create symptoms most commonly respond very well to indicated medical and complementary treatment. This means that most true anatomical issues responsible for enacting pain can be completely cured. For patients with long term symptoms which have proven themselves to be unresponsive to various forms of treatment, the answer is simple. In these cases, the condition is virtually always misdiagnosed, leading the sufferer on a wild goose chase using treatments which are all targeting mistakenly identified causes of pain. No wonder the treatments fail...
Knowing the Signs of Menopause by Naomi Smith
For every woman reaching the age of 40 onwards, it is normal to experience the early signs of menopause. During this stage their levels of progesterone and estrogen changes.
In relation to this, they would normally feel the symptoms that come along with this process. The physiological changes may vary from every woman but the same principle applies to all, the changes will not only affect them personally but most specially their emotional aspect. Most of these women would feel inadequate, hurt and insecure because of the various changes that they would normally feel. It is therefore important for the people around them to make them feel that they are still wanted, understood, and most importantly, accepted.
The natural process of menopause will usually result in "the big change" in every woman's life. It oftentimes occurs during the late 40's or early 50's. If there's anything that occurs earlier than the age bracket, it is considered to be an early menopause scenario.
Some of the most common early signs of menopause are mood swings, changes in monthly cycle, headaches, hot flashes, chronic fatigue, depression, cramps and other types of aches, changes in body hair, yeast infections, increase in PMS, changes in sleep pattern, water retention, less vaginal lubrication, night sweats, loss of interest in love and fluctuations in blood sugar.
Women suffering these signs should be understood and given the most love, every family member and friends could provide as during this stage. Once their monthly cycle changes, the imbalance of hormones in their bodies will cause the monthly cycles in getting delayed or in some cases, even earlier. This can be avoided with proper diet and nutrition.
Changes in PMS and those who experience cramps don't need to be in the menopausal stage in order to experience that. The change is much more apparent and effects to the women experiencing it will be more difficult to deal with. Mood swings and depression are also common to all women even before they reach the menopausal stage. But since the hormonal changes with women who are in this stage, the effects are much more obvious. Women in this stage will tend to have more mood swings and much more often depressed.
Once you've noticed your mom, your aunt or any woman you know having those early signs of menopause, be sure to let them feel that they are loved and wanted because during this stage they may need reassurance.
In relation to this, they would normally feel the symptoms that come along with this process. The physiological changes may vary from every woman but the same principle applies to all, the changes will not only affect them personally but most specially their emotional aspect. Most of these women would feel inadequate, hurt and insecure because of the various changes that they would normally feel. It is therefore important for the people around them to make them feel that they are still wanted, understood, and most importantly, accepted.
The natural process of menopause will usually result in "the big change" in every woman's life. It oftentimes occurs during the late 40's or early 50's. If there's anything that occurs earlier than the age bracket, it is considered to be an early menopause scenario.
Some of the most common early signs of menopause are mood swings, changes in monthly cycle, headaches, hot flashes, chronic fatigue, depression, cramps and other types of aches, changes in body hair, yeast infections, increase in PMS, changes in sleep pattern, water retention, less vaginal lubrication, night sweats, loss of interest in love and fluctuations in blood sugar.
Women suffering these signs should be understood and given the most love, every family member and friends could provide as during this stage. Once their monthly cycle changes, the imbalance of hormones in their bodies will cause the monthly cycles in getting delayed or in some cases, even earlier. This can be avoided with proper diet and nutrition.
Changes in PMS and those who experience cramps don't need to be in the menopausal stage in order to experience that. The change is much more apparent and effects to the women experiencing it will be more difficult to deal with. Mood swings and depression are also common to all women even before they reach the menopausal stage. But since the hormonal changes with women who are in this stage, the effects are much more obvious. Women in this stage will tend to have more mood swings and much more often depressed.
Once you've noticed your mom, your aunt or any woman you know having those early signs of menopause, be sure to let them feel that they are loved and wanted because during this stage they may need reassurance.
Acne Treatments at Home by Jen Brister
Much of getting rid of acne has to do with prevention. A daily skin care routine is required to make sure that your skin stays healthy and acne does not have a chance to form.
You should wash the face each and every morning and night. Make sure that you use skin care soap and remove all makeup before going to bed. Sleeping on clean sheets and pillow cases can also go a long way in keeping your skin clean and clear.
A mild, oil-free soap should be used to clean your face and neck. This should remove all makeup, dirt, grease and excess oil from the skin. You might even want to use a make up remover cream to remove all makeup before washing your face.
Another helpful preventative measure is to clean your makeup brushes and to change them out periodically. All makeup should also be checked to make sure that it is not past its expiration date.
If you already have acne, you may be looking for some acne treatments at home, so that you can avoid a costly visit to the dermatologist. If you do have acne, do not touch or squeeze the pimples. This can cause the pimples to spread and leave a scar.
There are many over the counter acne medications that you can use, but those can be costly and sometimes take weeks to show a positive result. Once they do begin to work, they sometimes only work for a time and then the acne reappears. This is one reason why home acne treatments are becoming so popular today.
You should wash the face each and every morning and night. Make sure that you use skin care soap and remove all makeup before going to bed. Sleeping on clean sheets and pillow cases can also go a long way in keeping your skin clean and clear.
A mild, oil-free soap should be used to clean your face and neck. This should remove all makeup, dirt, grease and excess oil from the skin. You might even want to use a make up remover cream to remove all makeup before washing your face.
Another helpful preventative measure is to clean your makeup brushes and to change them out periodically. All makeup should also be checked to make sure that it is not past its expiration date.
If you already have acne, you may be looking for some acne treatments at home, so that you can avoid a costly visit to the dermatologist. If you do have acne, do not touch or squeeze the pimples. This can cause the pimples to spread and leave a scar.
There are many over the counter acne medications that you can use, but those can be costly and sometimes take weeks to show a positive result. Once they do begin to work, they sometimes only work for a time and then the acne reappears. This is one reason why home acne treatments are becoming so popular today.
Could It Really Be Ovarian Cancer? by Juliet Taylor
Once called a silent killer of women, ovarian cancer was considered to be symptom free up to the point that the cancerous growths had reach critical mass and most likely already spread to other organs. Diagnosis would then be made because of symptoms the other organ manifests, in turn leading doctors to the source of the problem, often times too late for many sufferers to undergo successful treatment.
Nevertheless, in recent years experts and researchers have determined that when comparing case studies of various patients presenting with ovarian cancer, across the board there appeared to be a general agreement about similar feelings of discomfort that took place well before the diagnosis. This has caused the medical industry to rectify its opinion of ovarian cancer and it is no longer considered a symptom free illness, but instead one that has symptoms so subtle that unless the patient knows what to look for, they are likely missed or attributed to other problems.
1. There is frequent or recurring pain in the abdomen. Initially many respondents of the studies had suggested that it felt a bit like constipation, bloating, or gas pains, but because the pains lasted so much longer than the average bout of constipation, it soon became obvious that there was more going on than indigestion.
2. It could be ovarian cancer if you feel abdominal bloating. Sure, it might be the food you ate or the period that is just around the corner, but if it continues for more than a week, something might be amiss.
3. Frequent urination is another symptom but sadly is frequently missed since many a woman is religiously precise in drinking her water and frequent urination is considered par for the course.
So, Could it be irritable bowel syndrome? Could it be ovarian cancer? Could it be the onset of another disease or condition that imitates the same symptoms? The "what if" questions may continue non stop, yet unless a woman is willing to acknowledge the warning signs her body is giving off, precious little will answer her health related worries and questions. Too often she may think them to be too minor to mention to her doctor or - what makes this disease so dangerous - she will learn to live with them.
Although adaptability is a sought after trait in the theory of evolution, when it comes to detecting the early warning signs of ovarian cancer, it may be a contributing factor to death. Physicians involved in the studies have declared that any of the symptoms individually or in combination with one or both of the others should be grounds for concern and if the symptom persists for one week, heightened attention must be paid. If two weeks go by and the symptoms persist, a doctor's appointment must be scheduled for the first available time slot and if three weeks pass and the symptoms continue, it is time to set up an appointment with a specialist.
Could it be ovarian cancer? Maybe; either way, you owe it to yourself and those who love you to find out for sure.
For more interesting reading on Ovarian Cancer, go to
Nevertheless, in recent years experts and researchers have determined that when comparing case studies of various patients presenting with ovarian cancer, across the board there appeared to be a general agreement about similar feelings of discomfort that took place well before the diagnosis. This has caused the medical industry to rectify its opinion of ovarian cancer and it is no longer considered a symptom free illness, but instead one that has symptoms so subtle that unless the patient knows what to look for, they are likely missed or attributed to other problems.
1. There is frequent or recurring pain in the abdomen. Initially many respondents of the studies had suggested that it felt a bit like constipation, bloating, or gas pains, but because the pains lasted so much longer than the average bout of constipation, it soon became obvious that there was more going on than indigestion.
2. It could be ovarian cancer if you feel abdominal bloating. Sure, it might be the food you ate or the period that is just around the corner, but if it continues for more than a week, something might be amiss.
3. Frequent urination is another symptom but sadly is frequently missed since many a woman is religiously precise in drinking her water and frequent urination is considered par for the course.
So, Could it be irritable bowel syndrome? Could it be ovarian cancer? Could it be the onset of another disease or condition that imitates the same symptoms? The "what if" questions may continue non stop, yet unless a woman is willing to acknowledge the warning signs her body is giving off, precious little will answer her health related worries and questions. Too often she may think them to be too minor to mention to her doctor or - what makes this disease so dangerous - she will learn to live with them.
Although adaptability is a sought after trait in the theory of evolution, when it comes to detecting the early warning signs of ovarian cancer, it may be a contributing factor to death. Physicians involved in the studies have declared that any of the symptoms individually or in combination with one or both of the others should be grounds for concern and if the symptom persists for one week, heightened attention must be paid. If two weeks go by and the symptoms persist, a doctor's appointment must be scheduled for the first available time slot and if three weeks pass and the symptoms continue, it is time to set up an appointment with a specialist.
Could it be ovarian cancer? Maybe; either way, you owe it to yourself and those who love you to find out for sure.
For more interesting reading on Ovarian Cancer, go to
Do You Use Fish Oil For Heart Protection? by Gordon P Hall
Do you use fish oil for heart protection? That is something we should all take this Omega3 fats for. You can use the Omega3 oil for different reasons, for example, I use Omega3 supplements to help my memory and my recall function. The fact that my heart benefits as well is an added bonus. I like to think that this oil keeps me on a emotionally even path as well.
Fish oil for heart health is something we should all opt for. This Omega3 supplement helps to protect us from suffering from a heart attack. If we are ever unlucky enough to suffer a heart attack, then the Omega3 fatty acids should stop the attack from being so severe. The fact that this oil is a natural blood thinner helps, it helps to reduce our blood pressure.
We used to obtain all of the Omega3 fatty acids we needed from consuming several meals of fish per week. Now however the oceans and the fish are so full of pollution that we can no longer afford to eat so much fish each week. Now we need to take an Omega3 supplement on a daily basis to get all of the fatty acids we need.
Apart from fish oil for heart protection, this oil helps to maintain our brain, which is a big user of DHA fats. The DHA helps to uplift our spirits and keep us happy. However if the DHA levels ever get low, then we will suffer from emotional stress. This will take the form of mood swings and bouts of depression.
The same fish oil for heart protection will also help us to fight inflammation. I have a friend who suffers from Ross River Fever. He caught this whilst in Australia. This effects him the same way as rheumatoid arthritis sufferers suffer. He controls the pain by taking Omega3 supplements, in quite high doses though.
I would like to remind you though, do not buy an Omega3 supplement that has not been molecularly distilled to remove the impurities such as lead, mercury and the PCBs. The PCBs cause cancer, and they take hundreds of years to break down. This method is the only one that will remove those PCBs. The remaining oil will be pure.
Fish oil for heart health is something we should all opt for. This Omega3 supplement helps to protect us from suffering from a heart attack. If we are ever unlucky enough to suffer a heart attack, then the Omega3 fatty acids should stop the attack from being so severe. The fact that this oil is a natural blood thinner helps, it helps to reduce our blood pressure.
We used to obtain all of the Omega3 fatty acids we needed from consuming several meals of fish per week. Now however the oceans and the fish are so full of pollution that we can no longer afford to eat so much fish each week. Now we need to take an Omega3 supplement on a daily basis to get all of the fatty acids we need.
Apart from fish oil for heart protection, this oil helps to maintain our brain, which is a big user of DHA fats. The DHA helps to uplift our spirits and keep us happy. However if the DHA levels ever get low, then we will suffer from emotional stress. This will take the form of mood swings and bouts of depression.
The same fish oil for heart protection will also help us to fight inflammation. I have a friend who suffers from Ross River Fever. He caught this whilst in Australia. This effects him the same way as rheumatoid arthritis sufferers suffer. He controls the pain by taking Omega3 supplements, in quite high doses though.
I would like to remind you though, do not buy an Omega3 supplement that has not been molecularly distilled to remove the impurities such as lead, mercury and the PCBs. The PCBs cause cancer, and they take hundreds of years to break down. This method is the only one that will remove those PCBs. The remaining oil will be pure.
How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally by Ann Page
Cholesterol is an essential component of our body, but too much cholesterol can be bad for your health and can put you at risk for heart disease. This article will help give you some ideas on how to lower cholesterol where it needs to be. Healthy eating can reduce cholesterol. Your recipes should be low in saturated fats in particular, and low in fat overall. There are several ways in which cholesterol may be reduced.
Adding fiber to your diet can help make your cholesterol down. The soluble kind of fiber, like that found in oat bran, is the type of fiber with the purpose of essentially washes away the bad cholesterol that clings to the inner walls of the arteries. Consuming an acceptable amount of water-soluble fiber every day may possibly reduce cholesterol levels by up to 20%.
Fish has constantly been considered exceptional for the heart. It is rich in proteins and in omega-3 fatty acids which are acknowledged to decrease triglycerides and lessen plaque growth in arteries.
Grapeseed Oil contains the essential fatty acid, linoleic acid and used to lower cholesterol. Clinical tests have revealed subjects experienced a lowering of LDL (the so called 'bad' cholesterol), and an increase in HDL (the 'good' cholesterol). Grapeseed oil appears to assist with skin repair, as it has mildly astringent and antiseptic qualities.
Beans can help lower your cholesterol. The cause these high-fiber legumes are so helpful is for the reason that they contain pectin. The more of these beans you can eat, the greater the profit. Some of these include: Lima beans, Kidney beans, Navy beans, Soybeans.
Eat more small meals through the day as a replacement for of two or three big meals. Eat breakfast each morning. Breakfast skippers be likely to have higher cholesterol levels than those who start off their mornings with a bellyful, according to studies.Research additionally shows that those who eat ready-to-eat cereal for breakfast have lower cholesterol levels than those choosing other morning entrees.
Adding fiber to your diet can help make your cholesterol down. The soluble kind of fiber, like that found in oat bran, is the type of fiber with the purpose of essentially washes away the bad cholesterol that clings to the inner walls of the arteries. Consuming an acceptable amount of water-soluble fiber every day may possibly reduce cholesterol levels by up to 20%.
Fish has constantly been considered exceptional for the heart. It is rich in proteins and in omega-3 fatty acids which are acknowledged to decrease triglycerides and lessen plaque growth in arteries.
Grapeseed Oil contains the essential fatty acid, linoleic acid and used to lower cholesterol. Clinical tests have revealed subjects experienced a lowering of LDL (the so called 'bad' cholesterol), and an increase in HDL (the 'good' cholesterol). Grapeseed oil appears to assist with skin repair, as it has mildly astringent and antiseptic qualities.
Beans can help lower your cholesterol. The cause these high-fiber legumes are so helpful is for the reason that they contain pectin. The more of these beans you can eat, the greater the profit. Some of these include: Lima beans, Kidney beans, Navy beans, Soybeans.
Eat more small meals through the day as a replacement for of two or three big meals. Eat breakfast each morning. Breakfast skippers be likely to have higher cholesterol levels than those who start off their mornings with a bellyful, according to studies.Research additionally shows that those who eat ready-to-eat cereal for breakfast have lower cholesterol levels than those choosing other morning entrees.
Fat Burn Supplements - Healthy or Not? by Dean Forster
There are so many different fat burn supplements on the market today that it's hard to tell what will work for you. The truth is that the safest, healthiest, and best way to get rid of that unwanted body fat is to exercise, eat right and just over-all take care of your body. You don't need to take any fat burning supplements to achieve the weight that you want. If you feel that losing weight the natural way is too slow for you and you'd like to try fat burn supplements then we will still go over what supplements are available.
Here is a brief list of some of the supplements that are available: thermogenic fat burners, carb blockers, fat blockers, stimulant-free fat burner, thyroid hormone increasers, cortisol products and appetite suppressants. We probably should explain what all of these supplements are and that should give you a better idea of what you can expect while taking each of them.
The thermogenic fat burners are without ephedra. People with heart conditions or other medical conditions should not take ephedra, so thermogenic fat burners might work with you. Ephedra can also cause you to feel jittery, almost like you're on caffeine high. Other fat burners actually do contain caffeine to increase you metabolism. It's known that fat burners without ephedra don't work quite as well as those with. The main point is to increase your metabolism and that will burn more calories each day, and even will happen while you're resting. Stimulant-free themogenics are also available. These are free of even caffeine. You might not lose as much right away, but they are safer alternatives.
Carb blockers do just that, block carbs. You can add carb blockers to any diet or exercise program. In my opinion, this is a very unnatural thing to put into your body. Some people who are working on losing weight use carb blockers with thermogenics. Fat blockers are much like carb blockers. Fat blocker's main ingredient is chitosan. It binds to fat in the digestive tract.
Many people are overweight because of thyroid problems. These people might want to use thyroid regulators. These regulators are actually replacements. You can now be in charge of your thyroid so that it performs at a higher level than it normally can on it's on. When you use thyroid regulators you must also have a proper diet along with regular exercises. Two very popular thyroid regulator ingredients are forskolin and guggulsterones.
Let's face it; we are always under some sort of stress in our lives. When we're under stress our bodies produce a hormone known as cortisol. Cortisol is that hormone that makes us want to pig out when we're under stress and it's also the hormone that holds onto all that fat in the chocolate covered sundae. You can take cortisol to help you lose weight when it is the form of a supplement. Is it really safe to take extra of a hormone that naturally causes to you gain weight as a supplement to lose weight? You be the judge of that.
Here is a brief list of some of the supplements that are available: thermogenic fat burners, carb blockers, fat blockers, stimulant-free fat burner, thyroid hormone increasers, cortisol products and appetite suppressants. We probably should explain what all of these supplements are and that should give you a better idea of what you can expect while taking each of them.
The thermogenic fat burners are without ephedra. People with heart conditions or other medical conditions should not take ephedra, so thermogenic fat burners might work with you. Ephedra can also cause you to feel jittery, almost like you're on caffeine high. Other fat burners actually do contain caffeine to increase you metabolism. It's known that fat burners without ephedra don't work quite as well as those with. The main point is to increase your metabolism and that will burn more calories each day, and even will happen while you're resting. Stimulant-free themogenics are also available. These are free of even caffeine. You might not lose as much right away, but they are safer alternatives.
Carb blockers do just that, block carbs. You can add carb blockers to any diet or exercise program. In my opinion, this is a very unnatural thing to put into your body. Some people who are working on losing weight use carb blockers with thermogenics. Fat blockers are much like carb blockers. Fat blocker's main ingredient is chitosan. It binds to fat in the digestive tract.
Many people are overweight because of thyroid problems. These people might want to use thyroid regulators. These regulators are actually replacements. You can now be in charge of your thyroid so that it performs at a higher level than it normally can on it's on. When you use thyroid regulators you must also have a proper diet along with regular exercises. Two very popular thyroid regulator ingredients are forskolin and guggulsterones.
Let's face it; we are always under some sort of stress in our lives. When we're under stress our bodies produce a hormone known as cortisol. Cortisol is that hormone that makes us want to pig out when we're under stress and it's also the hormone that holds onto all that fat in the chocolate covered sundae. You can take cortisol to help you lose weight when it is the form of a supplement. Is it really safe to take extra of a hormone that naturally causes to you gain weight as a supplement to lose weight? You be the judge of that.
How To Know The Symptoms Of Oral Yeast Infection by Mabel D. Rutherford
If you can positively identify the symptoms of oral yeast infection, you have the best chance to avoid suffering from long term oral yeast infection symptoms. Oral yeast infection, also known as Thrush, infects the tongue, the mouth as well as gums and inner cheeks.
How To Treat Oral Yeast Infection
Oral yeast infection can be treated quite easily compared to other yeast infections. However, you should not allow to develop the infection, because it can cause more serious conditions. Other parts of the body including kidneys and lungs might be affected, and you also risk to infect other unsuspecting people.
A person who has noticed that he or she suffers from oral yeast infection should at first understand which symptoms oral yeast infection shows and in which form you can expect it to appear. You have to understand first of all that fungus which causes yeast infection is normal and will not necessarily affect a healthy person. Fungus becomes dangerous only when a certain amount of bacteria is present in the body.
Candida fungus grows sometimes because of a certain hormonal balance and chemical changes in the body. This in turn leads to development of oral yeast infection symptoms. On the other hand the balance of good fungus can be upset by certain antibiotics. This can also be the case when the immune system is weakened.
The common oral yeast infection symptoms are white patches on the gums. You will also feel swelling as well as pain. You will also notice a certain discard that resembles cheese and smells like beer or fresh bread in your mouth cavity.
The cavity of your mouth can also develop layers of cheesy material. In this case it can take many weeks to treat those symptoms and you should start with the treatment immediately. If you don't treat these yeast infection symptoms in time, this might affect your esophagus and you're your stomach.
If you want to identify oral yeast infection symptoms at an early stage you have to understand the different risk factors. You should know, that also little babies can develop oral yeast infection. In fact babies and newborns and even senior citizens are very prone to developing oral candida. Seniors who use dentures are more likely to develop this condition.
If you fail treating oral candida in a timely manner or if you neglect getting proper treatment, this yeast infection can last for a long time. Still it is possible to put a permanent end to the symptoms. In order to reach that goal you will have to change your diet. You can find a lot information about proper diet if you look at diet plans for normal yeast infection.
How To Treat Oral Yeast Infection
Oral yeast infection can be treated quite easily compared to other yeast infections. However, you should not allow to develop the infection, because it can cause more serious conditions. Other parts of the body including kidneys and lungs might be affected, and you also risk to infect other unsuspecting people.
A person who has noticed that he or she suffers from oral yeast infection should at first understand which symptoms oral yeast infection shows and in which form you can expect it to appear. You have to understand first of all that fungus which causes yeast infection is normal and will not necessarily affect a healthy person. Fungus becomes dangerous only when a certain amount of bacteria is present in the body.
Candida fungus grows sometimes because of a certain hormonal balance and chemical changes in the body. This in turn leads to development of oral yeast infection symptoms. On the other hand the balance of good fungus can be upset by certain antibiotics. This can also be the case when the immune system is weakened.
The common oral yeast infection symptoms are white patches on the gums. You will also feel swelling as well as pain. You will also notice a certain discard that resembles cheese and smells like beer or fresh bread in your mouth cavity.
The cavity of your mouth can also develop layers of cheesy material. In this case it can take many weeks to treat those symptoms and you should start with the treatment immediately. If you don't treat these yeast infection symptoms in time, this might affect your esophagus and you're your stomach.
If you want to identify oral yeast infection symptoms at an early stage you have to understand the different risk factors. You should know, that also little babies can develop oral yeast infection. In fact babies and newborns and even senior citizens are very prone to developing oral candida. Seniors who use dentures are more likely to develop this condition.
If you fail treating oral candida in a timely manner or if you neglect getting proper treatment, this yeast infection can last for a long time. Still it is possible to put a permanent end to the symptoms. In order to reach that goal you will have to change your diet. You can find a lot information about proper diet if you look at diet plans for normal yeast infection.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Very Early Signs of Pregnancy - 10 Pregnancy Signs You Should Know by Lauren Collins-Taylor
Do you know what the very early signs of pregnancy are? Your body is a complex machine - finely tuned and is giving off signals all the time. Pregnancy is a huge change to your body's normal day-to-day functions and when you are with baby, your body will let you know!
Some moms-to-be will get one or two quiet signs at first, others' bodies will scream "I'M PREGNANT" with all 10 signs at once. As hormone levels fluctuate and your body learns how to react to these changed levels, most women will experience practically all of the very early signs of pregnancy. You just need to know what the signs are.
Elevated Basal Body Temperature
A woman's basal body temperature (the lowest body temperature attained during rest) begins to elevate after ovulation, and stays elevated past when you should have had your period. This increase in basal body temperature, usually one-half to one degree Fahrenheit, is a subtle very early warning sign of pregnancy. To get this clue, you should have some idea what your normal (non-pregnancy) basal temperature is.
Tenderness In The Breasts And Nipples
This is a classic early sign of early pregnancy - and one that often goes unnoticed. Many women attribute this tenderness to their bras or other clothing, and tend to ignore it. And, after the body gets used to the new hormone levels - the tenderness goes away. So, you must pay close attention to what your body is trying to say - because it may stop talking after a while.
Darker, More Prominent Areolas
As your breasts change and enlarge, your areolas (the darker area that surrounds the nipple) will swell and get bigger, too. This is a very early sign of pregnancy - normally occurring around the time you expect your period. Some believe that the darker coloring of the areola helps the newborn find the nipple for breastfeeding. After pregnancy, your nipples and areolas should return to normal colors and sizes.
This is another very subtle clue - who doesn't get constipated at one time or another - without being pregnant?
The changing hormone levels can play games with your bowels, interrupting the normal frequency and timing of your bowel movements. Many women who are expecting just write constipation off as an unrelated issue. Like basal body temperature, paying close attention really can make a difference.
Light to moderate spotting (commonly called implantation spotting) normally happens a week to several days before your normal period is supposed to happen. Pink or brownish spotting is common a week or so after ovulation. Sometimes, spotting can simply be a sign of an early period. If this happens, look for other signs of pregnancy or take a pregnancy test.
Frequent Urination
Another classic very early sign of pregnancy, frequent urination should be a standout. This can be one of the earliest clues - happening a week to 12 days after a rise in basal body temperature, or about six weeks into your first trimester. While rising hormone levels are partly to blame, the most likely reason you feel like you have to pee every 5 minutes or so is the fact that the amount of blood in your body increases dramatically during pregnancy. This leads to a lot of extra fluids flowing through your kidneys - therefore a lot more pee!
Nausea And Vomiting
Commonly referred to as "morning sickness," this early sign of pregnancy usually affects most women and begins around the sixth week of pregnancy. Again, hormone levels are thought to be the main cause. Surprisingly, many doctors feel that morning sickness is a good sign that all is well with your baby's health and development. If your morning sickness is accompanied with vomiting, be sure to stay hydrated.
Menstrual Period Missed
While there are many reasons you may miss a menstrual period - stress, illness, excessive exercise, reactions to foods or medications - this can be a classic sign of pregnancy. If your period is very regular, and you have no other obvious reason to miss one, look for other early signs you may be pregnant.
Moderate to severe cramping can be a sign of many conditions - including pregnancy.Implantation cramping happens to a growing and moving uterus getting prepared to sustain a new life. Sometimes cramping can be a sign of constipation or gas in the bowels. Other more serious causes include miscarriage= or ectopic pregnancy.
You shouldn't have cramping after a positive pregnancy test - if you experience cramps with mild spotting, see your doctor to be sure all is well.
Unusual Fatigue And Tiredness
In our rush-rush modern world, it's not unusual to be dead tired at the end of a busy day. Fatigue is different - a feeling of lethargy and exhaustion that seems to happen no matter your level of activity or time of day. The truth is, your body is working very hard to accommodate a new life. And, this work takes energy - energy that is taken from your daily activities.
If you notice some of these very early signs of pregnancy, test yourself with a good quality pregnancy test you can get at your local drug store. These home pregnancy tests have become quite accurate, normally being able to sense a pregnancy 10 to 14 days after contraception. If you get a negative, but still feel you may be pregnant - see your doctor to be sure.
A Disturbed Balance Of Microorganisms Makes Your Body Susceptible To Yeast Infection Symptoms by Dorothy Winter
Candida albicans is a natural condition that in most instances will not do a healthy body any harm. The only problem is that frequently the normal balance of microorganisms that are regarded to be beneficial for the person get in disorder in proportion to other bacteria that are potentially harmful and in their turn cause excessive yeast growth which in turn give rise to yeast infection. Usually this infection be found in very warm and moist places in the body and the common form of yeast infection, Candida Albicans overgrowth, affects around seventy-five percent of the female population at the very least once in the course of their lifetimes.
The Discomfort Of Sudden Soreness And Itchiness
Feeling gradually more or less intense soreness and itchiness and the experience of pain in the course of sexual activity are the most common symptoms of yeast infection. Some more symptoms of yeast infection are a sensation of burning during urinating and the frequent appearance of a vaginal discharge of milky consistency resembling cottage cheese.
Usually there are unmistakable symptoms of vaginal yeast infection that are not to be noticed in any other health issues. However itchiness in the vaginal area can be both a symptom for yeast infection and as well a signal for another irritation such as the contact with chemicals contained in soaps or detergents and even in vaginal creams or douches.
As stated above it is presumable a symptom of yeast infection if sexual intercourse causes pain however it is not necessarily so. It's important to diagnose thoroughly before choosing a treatment. There are medications obtainable that are produced to treat candida albicans but sometimes have a harmful effect. That is to say in case the immune system reacts negatively upon the application which in turn can evoke vaginitis which is an inflammation of the vagina. Some symptoms of vaginitis are very similar to yeast infection such as the pain during sexual intercourse. Therefore it is important not to confuse those two conditions because both of them require different treatment.
Pain experienced during sexual intercourse can be one more yeast infection symptom. In addition there are also medications that are actually produced to cure candida albicans infection which in the contrary make the problem worse. This can happen because of a negative reaction of the immune system as a result of the application that in turn can release vaginitis, an infection occurring in the vagina. Because of the similar kind of pain occurring during sexual intercourse vaginitis is often being confused with yeast infection. But both conditions have to be treated different what's important to know.
Among the common symptoms of candida albicans yeast infection finally there is the typical odorless discharge. This vaginal discharge is not always noticeable but can be identified by its thickish consistency that is white and resembles cottage cheese.
However not only physical but also psychological reasons can play a decisive part in the development of yeast related health problems. One example is stress. A permanently stressed person is much more susceptible to a yeast infection than a mentally balanced individual. Stress is known to weaken the immune system.
Top 10 Websites for Medical Information by Lydia Quinn
If anyone should know medical literature, it should be the Medical Library Association. This group of librarians are who many research physicians turn to when they need documentation for their research and where other doctors turn when they need assistance in searching out symptoms that have them stumped. According to the Medical Library Association, the following sites are where to turn when you need additional information about a disease or treatment. is the site of the National Cancer institute. You will find information here about all types of cancer, treatment and research. Every type of cancer is covered here, including many of the latest technologies and advancements in treatment for them.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has information about health issues at home and in the work place. If you are concerned about the effect of the environment on your health, this should be your first stop on the web. has an alphabetical listing of conditions and treatments. This site is great for learning about many general medical topics.
Healthfinder has an alphabetical listing of medical conditions, but also has tools for keeping track of vital health readings. The handy tools on this site are what makes it rise above many other health and medical related websites.
HIV InSite has information for dealing with HIV-AIDS and related issues. If you are learning about the disease or are concerned with prevention, this is the site for you. The latest information on treatments is also available here.
Kidshealth is a site you should bookmark and refer to often if you have children living in your home. Since children have many specific health issues and concerns, a site like Kidshealth is something every parent should bookmark.
Mayo Clinic this site of the famous Mayo Clinic has top notch health information for the entire family.
MedlinePlus is available in either English as well as 40 other languages including Spanish. Information is given here regarding many different health issues.
Ask.MD is also an excellent place to bookmark, this is a health and medical topic search engine which covers all the latest health topics like flu outbreaks. The handy search engine searches all the best health websites out there.
Each of these sites may have slightly differing information to offer the patient. All of these sites can give you a better understanding of what your doctor is talking about. Remember that your doctor is one of the greatest sources of medical information that you can trust. If you do not understand what he is talking about, you should feel free to ask him for further information.
By turning to these sites, you will be able to find further information and alternative treatments. If you find a treatment that your doctor has not discussed with you, then you should speak with your doctor about that treatment and its benefits as well as its risks. Remember that you ultimately have the responsibility for your own health.