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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Information About Sinuses by David H. Urmann

Sinuses are a common sickness. There are many types of sinuses, obtained from different factors.
Sinus infection (also known as sinusitis) is the inflation of sinuses and nasal passages. Sinus infection can cause lots of disorders in the human body. These disorders are concentrated on the upper part of the human body. Based on the paranasal sinuses or anatomy of the sinuses, there are four major pairs of sinuses in the human skull. They are connected to the nostrils and nasal passage spaces. They help insulate the skull.   There are the four major pairs. The frontal sinuses are in the forehead. The sphenoid sinuses are at the back of the eyes. The ethmoid sinuses are between the eyes, and maxillary sinuses behind the cheeks   Sinuses normally contain defense that fights foreign viruses and bacteria called germs. If the defense is disrupted, the bacteria in the nasal passage will be able to enter any of the major pairs of sinuses. The bacteria will then stick to the cell lining and cause swelling.   There are two types of sinuses: acute sinus and chronic sinus. Acute sinus (or sudden onset sinus) normally lasts not more than eight weeks. This does not occur more than three times a year. Every attack of acute sinus does not last for then days. Chronic sinus (or long term sinus) lasts longer. It occurs four times and more per year. Every attack lasts for more than twenty days.   Sinuses have different symptoms. It may be heavy headaches, ear problem, allergies, congestion and other chronic problems. This sinusitis may be caused by allergies, bacterial infection, dust, exposure to smoke and other irritants in home, school or workplace.   The normal thing that a person suffers when he has sinus is pain on the side of the face, swelling on the eye area and post nasal drip. Pay close attention as the patient may also develop a high fever.   There are varied medications to treat sinuses. Acute sinusitis can be cured by antibiotics, especially if it is bacterial infection. However, antibiotics can not prevent having a stuffy nose. For viral infections, drink lots of water and other fluids like fruit juices or tea.   Home remedies are also common, like boiling water and inhaling the steam, or rubbing a vaporizer on your chest and back and nasal area. All these temporary relieve discomforts and let a patient breathe more easily. These are helpful especially when trying to get a sound sleep at night.   However, it is still best to consult a doctor, especially after observing that a sinus has been lingering for weeks or months. There is a possibility sometimes that the sinus is just a symptom of a bigger and more serious illness.
And as always, prevention is still the best cure. Live a healthy life. Always get enough sleep as much as possible. Avoid vices like smoking cigarettes that could weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible in catching sinuses. Exercise regularly to improve your stamina and endurance.
Live in a clean environment because dusts and dirt can also irritate your nose and might lead to discomfiting sinuses.

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